Market segmentation is the division of the market or population into subgroups with similar motivations. 市场细分是划分市场或人口问题纳入分组类似的动机。
HUMAN PERFORMANCE MODELING IN TEMPORARY SEGMENTATION CHINESE HANDWRITING RECOGNIZER; In communications, a channel derived by time division multiplexing. 基于时间分割的手写输入系统的用户绩效模型在通信技术中,一种按时间分割成多路复用的信道。
The segmentation of the pathological lungs adhesion tumor division is the radiotherapy target area limits key. 病理性肺部粘连肿瘤的分割是放射治疗靶区界定的关键。
This paper mainly describes the theory of the automated fluorescent magnetic particle testing, including the image sampling, image segmentation, image mathematic morphologic pretreatment, thresholding division, label, eigenvalue extraction and flaw recognition. 本论文的重点是解决全自动荧光磁粉检测系统的算法问题,主要内容包括:图象采集,图象的预处理,图象分割,图象的数学形态学处理,区域标号以及特征提取和裂纹的识别。
Video object segmentation refers to the division of video sequence into semantic entities ( objects) according to related criterions, where the entities are processed as objects and called video object ( VO.) 视频对象分割,是指按照一定的标准将视频序列分割为具有一定意义的语义实体,并对其进行处理的过程。其中,语义实体称为视频对象(VideoObject.VO)。
Multi-Object Segmentation Based on Curve Evolving and Region Division 基于区域划分的曲线演化多目标分割
Vehicle license locating and character segmentation play the crucial role, which influence the precision of the whole system directly. Thus, this thesis mainly studies the vehicle license location and the character division. 其中车牌定位和字符分割在整个系统中起着关键性作用,它们的处理结果直接影响整个系统的精确度,鉴于此本文研究的主要内容是车牌定位与字符分割的方法。
At the same time, it presents an automatic multi-threshold image segmentation and image regional dynamic division technology, which is proposed by the author. 同时,全面地阐述了由作者刚刚提出的自动多阈值图像分割和图像区域动态划分技术。
Market segmentation forces impedes the development of inter-regional trades, raises the transaction costs, hampers the inter-regional cooperation and division of labor, and hinders the formation of a unified domestic market. 分割力量的存在,将会增加区际贸易的交易成本,阻碍地区间的分工协作、贸易发展和国内统一大市场的形成,是影响国内市场整合进程的关键因素之一。
Because it is the segmentation of MR image sequence, each image is an independent division will definitely lead to inefficient algorithms. 由于是对MR序列图像进行分割,若分别对每一张进行独立分割,必然会造成算法的低效和算法的盲目。
Compare with the results of watershed, regional growth, the segmentation results of the method which was proposed in this paper with the gray grains are closer to the true shape of the objects, and have a better effect in division. 通过与分水岭,区域生长等方法的结果对比,本文使用的灰度颗粒分割方法结果更加接近目标真实形状,有更好的分割效果。
The traditional threshold segmentation algorithm based on two-dimensional maximal variance between-class is improved based on the region division of two-dimensional histogram for the aim of detecting target precisely and rapidly. 从图像的二维直方图区域划分着手,改进了传统的基于二维最大类间方差的阈值分割算法,使算法达到快速准确分割目标的目的。
Image segmentation for quasi-circular accumulation, with its enormous research value, becomes one hotspot of present image division research. 类圆形堆积物图像的分割已经成为目前图像分割的热点之一,具有极大的研究价值。
In the image segmentation stage, the software used the iterative method to realize threshold division, and got a nice result. But some noises appeared, so chose the appropriate method of morphology noise reduction. 在图像分割阶段,采用迭代法阈值分割,达到很好的分割效果,但是分割过程中,出现了部分噪声,在分析噪声特点的基础上,找到了合适的形态学降噪方法(先开启后闭合)。
In the process of scene segmentation, this paper views the division points of shots as genes, uses the special gene coding mode, populations evolvement regulations and individual evaluating mechanism. 本文在场景检测过程中,将每个镜头的分割点视为一个基因,运用独特的基因编码方式、种群演化规则和个体评价机制,形成了一种简单高效的视频场景分割方法。
Based on the relation between image segmentation and granularity division, firstly we convert image into hierarchy knowledge structure, then construct unit granular layer, finally compose segmentations in each unit layer to acquire final effect. 该算法基于图像分割问题与粒度划分的统一性,将图像转化为具有分层结构的知识体系,构造了多个单元粒度层,通过各单元粒度层分割的粒度合成取得最终的分割效果。
The algorithm of blocks extremums is presented on the base of logical assumptions to the crack characteristics. And in the segmentation images based on this algorithm, the crack target extraction algorithm based on histogram fitting curves division of multidimensional features is presented and realized. 在对裂纹特征合理假设之后,运用了分块极值思想;提出了多维特征直方图拟合曲线分割的裂纹目标提取算法,并对该算法与全局阈值分割进行了比较及优缺点分析。
As the primary method of CRM, customer segmentation can help enterprises do customers division effectively, thus enterprises can make corresponding management strategy according to different customer group characteristics. 客户细分作为客户关系管理的重要方法,可以将企业的客户进行有效划分,使企业能够根据不同的客户群特征制定相应的管理策略。
While people have done a lot of segmentation research, but there is no general theory of the division. 虽然人们在图像分割方面做了许多的研究工作,但是目前尚无通用的分割理论。
The thesis puts forward two kinds of use of image segmentation in CT image: One is to process chest CT, Two is to give a further division of lung parenchyma that has segmented out, that is the segmentation of pulmonary vascular. 本文中,提出了图像分割在胸部CT的两种运用:一是对胸部CT进行处理,分割出肺实质区域;二是对分割出来的肺实质区域进行进一步的分割,分割出肺部血管。
This thesis describes common medical image segmentation methods, techniques and algorithms, focusing on region growing algorithm and the regional division algorithm in medical image segmentation applications. 论文首先介绍常见医学图像分割算法,重点研究区域生长算法和区域分裂算法在医学图像分割中的应用。
This algorithm extracted and described high-level semantic by image pre-processing, lung field segmentation, regional division, the low-level feature extraction, semantic mapping and description. 本算法包括图像预处理、肺野的分割、区域划分、底层特征的提取、语义的映射与描述五个步骤。
It is a hit-and-miss stage that lack of careful market segmentation, for example function division, age division gender division and so on. 此阶段缺少更为细致的市场划分,如功能划分、年龄段及性别划分等。